Edward & Trix Landman
"We have been struck by the fact that in this beautiful part of our country, people have bid farewell to the church and many churches are (almost) empty. However, we believe that God's Love continues to reach out to every person and that He desires a relationship with them. We want to walk alongside people in the everyday life, sharing our faith in word and deed, from the desire that people come to know Jesus."

Edward and Trix Landman have, over the past few years, developed an increasing fondness for the Limburg landscape and culture through their hobby of cycling. They have experienced a stark contrast with the Bible Belt, where they originate from. Gradually, they have felt a calling to move to Limburg with their family and to be missionally active there. After a search that began in the Hill Country, they eventually found a house in Maastricht, in the Scharn neighbourhood. They hope to move there in the summer of 2024.
They will join a missional community that is active in the Scharn and Heer districts. A missional community is an open community of neighbourhood residents, where everyone is welcome. By organising mostly small-scale activities, at their home and in the neighbourhood, relationships are formed, and neighbours can meet and engage in relaxed conversations about faith and meaning. They hope that people will thus connect with each other and with God. Trix will dedicate herself entirely to the community. Edward will retain his job and will devote his available time to the cause.